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Lox Appetizer - easy to make, delicious, nutritious, healthy homemade
Lox Appetizer - easy to make, delicious, nutritious, healthy homemade
Manfreed demonstrates a simple, easy to make lox recipe with cream cheese, chives and salmon lox, a cold smoked salmon. Manfreed's salmon lox recipe. You kids, beginning cooks and new cooks can make this quick, easy to make lox appetizer recipe. Your family friends and relatives will ask for this lox salmon appetizer. Please enjoy more easy, tasty, homemade recipes
Manfreed (in the Kitchen)
Recipe type: Appetiser
Ingredients / Shopping List
  • lox
  • cream cheese - soft
  • melba toast or crackers
  • chives
Directions/Method for Lox Appetizer - easy to make, delicious, nutritious, healthy homemade
  1. Put cream cheese into a small bowl
  2. Using the scissors cut some chives onto the cream cheeseStir the chives into the cream cheese
  3. Spread the cream cheese and chives onto pieces of melba toast/crackers
  4. place strips of lox onto the cream cheese on the melba toast and serve
Notes / Serving Tips
Kitchen Utensils – forLox Appetizer
- easy to make, delicious, nutritious, healthy homemade
Small bowl, scissors, fork, butter knife, serving plate
Hand Soap, Hand Towels (clean),
Oven mitts, Rubber kitchen gloves (non-slip), dish soap,
Hat or hair net, Apron, Pencil and Recipe
Food Safety – for Lox Appetizer
- easy to make, delicious, nutritious, healthy homemade
Wash your hands with hand soap and water.
Make certain that all kitchen utensils and tools are clean
Be cautious with the knife. Curl your fingers back away from the knife when holding what you are cutting.
Never lick a knife.
Do not lick your fingers without washing your hands instantly after licking.
Never lick any kitchen utensil without washing it instantly before using it again.
Variations - for Lox Appetizer
- easy to make, delicious, nutritious, healthy homemade
Easy Clean-up – for Lox Appetizer
- easy to make, delicious, nutritious, healthy homemade
Dish soap, Dishtowels, Kitchen Sponge/Cloth
1. Wash all the kitchen utensils/tools and put them away in the proper cupboard.
2. Put ingredients back into the proper cupboards.
3. Wipe down the counter-top with soap and water.
Recipe by Manfreed in the Kitchen at https://www.manfreedinthekitchen.com/lox-appetizer-easy-to-make-delicious-nutritious-healthy-homemade/