Fish (Salmon) Sandwich – quick, easy to make, delicious, nutritious, healthy homemade Manfreed demonstrates an easy to make healthy, homemade, canned salmon sandwich that is delicious and nutritious. You kids and new cooks can make this quick, easy to make recipe. Manfreed’s canned salmon sandwich is a great lunch or snack any time of day. Family, friends and relatives will love this canned salmon sandwich. Please enjoy more simple, tasty recipes on
Question by Breezy1201: What are some varied lunch options for my child who is attending camp?
My seven year old attends a very good day camp but it doesn’t provide lunch. So we have to pack and bring a lunch daily (no microwaveable needed items allowed). She is a little tired of sandwich, chips and a sweet every day. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks.
Best answer:
Answer by m
Have you tried lunch-ables? The grocery stores usually have their brand too and that is a bit cheaper. Also, my kids have liked chicken salad and crackers or any type of wrap.
Last there is always a thermos option for hot or cold food.
Hope this helps.
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. . . that is a deliciously homemade fish sandwich on the run . . . Manfreed
Step 1: add lemon and dill on sandwhich
Step 2: Pepper/Salt
Step 3: Bread, Save everyone 8 minutes!
du da..doo daa duhhh lol
. . . now you’ve learned how to make it . . . try the salmon sandwich . . . it is delicious . . . Manfreed
you could get a tifin box for her (like a big thermos with smaller tubs inside) and then she could have all sorts of things, curry and rice, pasta and sauce, couscous, noodles.
you could also do pasta salad pots for her or couscous pots.
you could try wraps as an alternative to sandwiches, cold spanish omlette, chicken satay sticks.
make little cakes or fruit tarts with her to take the next day for pudding.
i hope this helps! xx
meats cheeses and crackers
cut up fruits and veggies with dips
chips with dips
dry cereal
pop tarts as a desert
jello, pudding cups with whip cream on the side