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www.manfreedinthekitchen.com Manfreed demonstrates how to make a delicious homemade Ham, Cheese and Lettuce sandwich that is a great lunch or snack for a party or the game. You kids, beginning cooks and new cooks can make this quick, easy to make recipe. Please enjoy more demonstrations and tasty sandwiches recipes at www.manfreedinthekitchen.com Video Rating: 5 / 5
Question by mimi g: Any good breakfast or lunch spots in San Francisco during the week for a birthday?
I live in San Francisco. I am taking the day off for my husband’s birthday, it’s on a Wednesday. We are having a party for him that night, but I want to take him somewhere really fancy for breakfast or lunch that day, to kick off the birthday celebration. Any nice places you could recommend during the work week for breakfast or lunch, where the food is good and he will be impressed?
Best answer:
Answer by Melissa if you go to sanfranciscobreakfastresturants.com they’ll show you good resturants to eat at there.
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It might be fun to try one of the restaurants along the Embarcaderro. Water Bar (here is their menu: http://www.waterbarsf.com/food.php) is right on the water and has great food. Boulevard is another great option and they have a great lunch menu (here is their menu: http://www.boulevardrestaurant.com/menu.html). Have a great time!
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. . . that’s great you like this video . . . and the sandwich is soooo delicious . . . enjoy it . . . Manfreed
It might be fun to try one of the restaurants along the Embarcaderro. Water Bar (here is their menu: http://www.waterbarsf.com/food.php) is right on the water and has great food. Boulevard is another great option and they have a great lunch menu (here is their menu: http://www.boulevardrestaurant.com/menu.html). Have a great time!