Live Online Rehearsal 3 – quick, easy, delicious, healthy homemade Lunch
Posted on August 31, 2012
at 4:40 am
by Manfreed /
Cheese, Coffee, Desserts, Eggs, Fruit Dishes, Live Videos, Lunches, Salad Dressings, Salads, Videos
Live Online Rehearsal 3 - quick, easy, delicious, healthy homemade Lunch
Ingredients / Shopping List
- Plunger/French Press Coffee
- Medium Grind Coffee - coffee of your choice
- Lettuce Salad
- Green Lettuce - washed and dried
- Red Pepper - washed and dried
- Green Onion - washed and dried
- Oil and Vinegar
- Toasted Egg and Cheese Sandwich
- Bread - your choice
- Eggs 1-2
- Butter
- Cheese - your choice
- Healthy Dessert
- Yogurt
- Raspberries
- Banana
- Watching Manfreed's live video will truly build confidence for you in your kitchen.
- Please enjoy!
Notes / Serving Tips
Coffee of your choice Medium Grind - most markets, grocery stores and coffee specialty shops will sell small amounts of ground coffee beans to try in a coffee. Try several flavors and tastes of coffee beans to find your favorites.
Bread of your choice - try different types and flavors of bread to find your favorite
Cheese of your choice - most markets, grocery stores and cheese specialty shops will give you a taste of cheeses. Try several flavors and tastes of cheeses to find your favorites.
Bread of your choice - try different types and flavors of bread to find your favorite
Cheese of your choice - most markets, grocery stores and cheese specialty shops will give you a taste of cheeses. Try several flavors and tastes of cheeses to find your favorites.
Question by : What are some lunch ideas for someone with a dirty job and no access to a sink? My fiance works outside all day digging up old heating oil tanks. He doesn’t always have access to a sink, and doesn’t want to eat finger food for lunch with dirty hands. He doesn’t have access to a fridge or microwave. Also, he sometimes has to eat on the go, so food that requires silverware is not ideal. What are some lunch options for this situation? Thanks! Best answer: Answer by Janet Johnson pack in some hand sanitizer or wipes for a dirty job! sanwhiches and wraps are good if his fingers are clean. for silverware you could cook noodles and putt them in a thermos to keep warm. if salad is packed you could put an ice pack in his lunch to keep it cold. hope this helped! Give your answer to this question below!
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Pack him some wet wipes or soap and a bottle of clean water. Hand sanitizer would make the food taste funny.
you could do soup in a thermos(so he can just drink it) sandwiches or wraps in foil so he can hold it without getting the food dirty.
I myself work in a dirty warehouse under construction still, with no sinks or anything. I do a few different things. One thing i do is pack peanut butter and jelly (doesn’t need a fridge or a microwave) and don’t take it out of the Ziploc. Fruits like bananas work as well, because your not touching the actual food. The bag makes the layer between your filth and food. Second thing, as other people have suggested, I buy hand wipes that clean and kill germs, and if i’m feeling really gross a water bottle to rinse my hands and a paper towel. Also, there’s meals such as Herbalife Instant Meals that you just mix with water.