Live Online Rehearsal 4 – quick, easy to make, delicious homemade healthy Party Foods
Live Online Rehearsal 4 –
quick, easy to make, delicious homemade healthy Party Foods
Manfreed demonstrates preparing a delicious, nutritious, homemade healthy party foods of a simple to make Greek Pita Pizza, quick and easy Guacamole and tasty delicious Nachos . You kids, beginning cooks and new cooks can prepare these simple to make, homemade, healthy Party Foods. Please join Manfreed every Saturday at 6:00 pm Eastern/3:00 pm in the West of North America free on Manfreed’s web site home page. And please enjoy more delicious, easy to make, healthy Party Food ideas/recipes here on Manfreed’s cooking web site
Manfreed (in the Kitchen)
Kitchen Utensils – for Live Online Rehearsal 4
– quick, easy to make, delicious homemade healthy Party Foods
Hand Soap, Hand Towels (clean),
Oven mitts, Rubber kitchen gloves (non-slip), dish soap,
Hat or hair net, Apron, Pencil and Recipe
Food Safety – for Live Online Rehearsal 4
– quick, easy to make, delicious homemade healthy Party Foods
Wash your hands with hand soap and water.
Make certain that all kitchen utensils and tools are clean
Be cautious with the knife. Curl your fingers back away from the knife when holding what you are cutting.
Never lick a knife.
Do not lick your fingers without washing your hands instantly after licking.
Never lick any kitchen utensil without washing it instantly before using it again.
Easy Clean-up – for Live Online Rehearsal 4
– quick, easy to make, delicious homemade healthy Party Foods
Dish soap, Dishtowels, Kitchen Sponge/Cloth
1. Wash all the kitchen utensils/tools and put them away in the proper cupboard.
2. Put ingredients back into the proper cupboards.
3. Wipe down the counter-top with soap and water.
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I enjoy your vids. Watching the Guacamole one though, I want to comment. I compost ALMOST everything that I can (and I like that you seem to) however, it is best not to compost avocado pits. This is because they are VERY toxic to dawgs (and likely other animals) AND because of their round “ball” shape, they attract dawgs too (and in addition to their toxicity could be a choking hazard as well). I hope you aren’t offended by my comment but in composting I am always mindful of my friends with paws, wings, and other things! Keep cookin’!!!… because you can!!! :=}