Live Online Rehearsal Show 2 – a quick, easy, delicious, nutritious, health homemade Breakfast
http:/ Manfreed demonstrates preparing a delicious, nutritious, breakfast of a fruit salad, bagel, bacon/egg/cheese filling with instant coffee for a beverage. You kids, beginning cooks and new cooks can prepare this simple to make healthy homemade breakfast. Please join Manfreed every Saturday at 6:00 pm Eastern/3:00 pm in the West of North America free on Manfreed’s web site home page. Please enjoy more delicious, easy to make breakfast ideas on http:/
Question by : What breakfast is the healthiest and the fastest to make?
I would like to know what kind of breakfast is the healthiest and the fastest to make because I have no time to make breakfast in the morning when Im rushing for work. I know that not having breakfast is not healthy, and I would like to improve my behavior. I consulted a doctor about my weight, the Dr said that I need to start eating breakfast in the morning. I really need the fastest way to make my breakfast before I go to work. Thank You, I hope you would be able to help me and others.
Best answer:
Answer by Rarri
fresh fruit with natural yogurt and a cup of black tea or coffee…
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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Couple of spoons of plain yogurt
A banana
A handful of frozen berries such as blueberries, strawberries or other fruits like peaches
A splash of milk
A couple of ice cubes
Zap in the blender for twenty seconds.
Maybe it’s lacking a little fibre, but it’s as fast as anything and can be drank while on the bus or waiting for a train. You can vary the fruit and use whatever is on offer in the shops as well.
my breakfast is definitally the fastest. i feel like sh1t in the morning and can’t eat so i drink about a 750mLs of milk with couple of scoops of protein. perfect meal for me based on the rest of my diet. bacon and eggs is pretty quick and healthy, certain cereals with milk go alright. just depends on the rest of your day.