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Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Manfreed demonstrates a quick and easy from scratch, healthy, homemade Breakfast Sandwich with a Fresh fruit Salad and a cup of hot Instant Coffee. You will enjoy this deliciously simple homemade from scratch breakfast and you will be proud to serve happy visiting family, friends and relatives this quick, tastily nutritious Breakfast.
Ingredients / Shopping List
Fruit Salad - serve a variety fruit that is in season in your area or that is available in your local market/grocery store.
Breakfast Sandwich
Bagel - your choice - you can use two slices of bread of your choice and flavor
Bacon - your choice - check out the flavors of bacon at your local market/grocery store/meat market
1 - 2 eggs
cheese - your choice - different cheeses will add different flavors
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What a hoot! Great video and breakfast. I have celiacs, but with my GF bread, I can enjoy this tasty breakfast too!