Oatmeal cookie Sandwich and Iced Oatmeal Cookie –
www.ManfreedintheKitchen.com Manfreed demonstrates how having food prepared it is easy to put together a delicious, nutritious, easy to make oatmeal cookie sandwich and an iced oatmeal cookie. Your family, friends and relatives will ask for these oatmeal cookie sandwich and an iced oatmeal cookie. You kids, beginning cooks and new cooks can make these delicious, quick desserts of oatmeal cookie sandwich and an iced oatmeal cookie. Please enjoy more easy to make desserts on http
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Question by James: What Universities offer MS Food Science but includes courses on nanotechnology and engineering?
I’m planning to take my master’s degree in Food Science but can’t decide for the university. I was hoping for a curriculum with lectures on nanotechnology and food engineering or the like. If none existed, is it possible for me to take MS degrees in Nanotechnology and Engineering if I graduated with BS Food Technology? Or please suggest schools offering MS Food Science.
Nanotechnology and Engineering really caught my attention on how it is applied for food innovation. I really want to study these.
Best answer:
Answer by pj
Step one. Find a tool for searching graduate programs.
Example: Petersons Graduate School Search http://www.petersons.com/graduate-schools/grad-search-by-subject.aspx
Keep in mind that at various universities they may not use Food Science as their program title. It may be under Nutrition or some other related wording.
Step two. Look over some college sites. Explore the department pages, looking for course descriptions and degree requirements. Also look at the faculty pages and their bios (if offered).
Step three. Look at the admissions requirements for graduate students posted on the college sites.
Here is one example of a program at Rutgers http://foodsci.rutgers.edu/aboutUs/faculty.html (this is the faculty page)
Course descriptions: http://foodsci.rutgers.edu/graduate/gradCourses.html
Ohio State http://www.fshn.hs.iastate.edu/graduate-program/
Listing of Courses (page down to graduate section) http://catalog.iastate.edu/azcourses/fs_hn/
Another approach to finding the right graduate program is to do a literature search in the field. See who is researching and publishing in areas that interest you. Where are they located? Faculty at which universities? You would need to begin at your local college library and look for the subscription databases. Ask for help in selecting databases and finding the best search strategies. You may find that you can open a chat with a librarian near you for further assistance.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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. . . food preparation, cooking and baking is both fun and magic in the kitchen . . . enjoy that cookie . . . Manfreed