Manfreed demonstrates how to make oatmeal cookies. You kids, new cooks and beginner cooks can make this healthy oatmeal …
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I love how he says really obvious things like “Make sure you put the oven mitt on before you touch things that are hot.” I’m also a really good cook but I’m subscribing because Manfreed is cool!
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preparing tasty food in the kitchen is fun . . . enjoy . . . Manfreed
his smile at the end… o.o ..
you can use white sugar . . .experiment with any sugar that you desire . . . have fun cooking in the kitchen . . . enjoy . . . Manfreed
Hi! Iove ur video! Is it compulsory to use brown sugar?
oooooh yeeeeaaaaah!!!!
cooking in the kitchen for fun is cool . . . enjoy . . . . thanks . . . Manfreed
I love how he says really obvious things like “Make sure you put the oven mitt on before you touch things that are hot.” I’m also a really good cook but I’m subscribing because Manfreed is cool!
thanks . . . and it is delicious . . . Manfreed
Thank you so much for this video .have a bless day
. . . thanks . . . making delicious, nutritious food is fun and easy in the kitchen . . . Manfreed
Thank you Manfreed your video was so easy to understand. I made some and my family liked it. Thanks and more power to you.
. . . thanks . . . cooking delicious food in the kitchen is easy and fun . . . follow the recipe . . . enjoy . . . Manfreed
you made it very easy when you didn’t use complicated utensils .. nice presentation
. . . thanks . . . it is so easy to make delicious, nutritious, healthy homemade food . . . enjoy . . . Manfreed
thanks . . . and the food that you make in the kitchen is delicious, nutritious, healthy and homemade . . . enjoy . . . Manfreed
i like your style =D