Warm Chicken Sandwich – quick, easy to make, delicious, nutritious, healthy homemade
www.manfreedinthekitchen.com Manfreed demonstrates an easy to make, quick method for a delicious, nutritious, healthy homemade warm chicken sandwich. You kids, beginning cooks and new cooks can make this quick, easy to make recipe. Your family, friends and relatives will love this simple, tasty warm chicken sandwich for snacks or lunches. Please enjoy more tasty, easy to make, healthy homemade sandwiches on www.manfreedinthekitchen.com
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Question by D.J: What are some great lunch recipes to eat during the day?
I am 14 years old and I am active in the kitchen. I love to cook, but has not cooked anything recently. What can I cook for lunch during summer vacation? I am tired of the same Hot Pockets and other junk I eat for lunch, its time for something healthy, tasteful, and filling. I like to eat gourmet foods that are decent, instead of microwaved foods. Thanks in advance for all of your answers and your time. God Bless.
Best answer:
Answer by Emily Harvey
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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. . . thanks . . . and this delicious warm chicken sandwich is so quick and easy to make . . . enjoy the kitchen and the homemade food you can serve . . . Manfreed
Manfreed! You’re making me hungry!!
it should be fun in the kitchen making nutritious, homemade food . . . enjoy . . . Manfreed
This is not Gourmet but it sure is good.
Grilled PBJ
Just grill in butter like a grilled cheese. Brown on both sides. Add a glass of milk and it is great.
Things I like… (I avoid meat though, so my list may be limited)
– frozen Chinese/Japanese dumplings steamed/pan fried and dipped in vinegar and soy sauce
– salads, especially bean salads, tuna salads, salads with roasted veggies on top, etcetera
– homemade salad rolls (the kind wrapped in translucent rice papers)
– homemade macaroni and cheese
– falafels
– curries with store-bought curry paste
grill fish/ chicken breast on a bed of salad. Sprinkle any fish your choice or chicken with salt and pepper. Grill it on a pan with extra virgin olive oil.
with homemade dressing – honey dijon mustard, apple cider vinegar, a bit of salt and pepper, and olive oil mix well.