Yogurt Fruit Parfait – easy parfait recipe, healthily homemade, deliciously nutritious
www.manfreedinthekitchen.com Manfreed demonstrates an easy yogurt fruit parfait recipe that is easy and quick to make. You kids, beginning cooks and new cooks can make this quick, easy to make recipe. This healthy, homemade breakfast parfait is good to enjoy any time of day. Your family, friends and relatives will ask for this yogurt fruit parfait recipe for a snack or dessert. Please enjoy more delicious, easy to make homemade recipes on www.manfreedinthekitchen.com
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Question by : What is a good breakfast to eat before an exam?
I have finals coming up, and I know eating a good breakfast can really help. The only problem is, I have an easily upset stomach, and often times eating a large breakfast is detrimental on a test because it gives me stomach pain. Could someone give me a sample breakfast that I could eat? Everyone says to eat an omelette, but I don’t like eggs. Also, I’m vegetarian so please don’t suggest sausages or anything. Thanks!
Best answer:
Answer by Kitty
Well since you are vegetarian only thing you can have is like cereal and fruit. Grains are bad for you though. Only thing that is healthy that keeps you full is meat.
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Small to medium bowl of oatmeal with a teaspoon of honey, and chopped of fruit inside. With a small glass of milk on the side. This is a great breakfast for easily upset stomachs, because you can eat small, but still get a really satisfied full feeling from the oatmeal. Plus it’s super healthy. 🙂