Zucchini Lemon Linguini – deliciously easy to make, nutritious, healthy homemade
www.ManfreedintheKitchen.com Manfreed demonstrates an easy to make, one pot, delicious, nutritious, healthy homemade Zucchini Lemon Linguini. You kids, beginning cooks and new cooks can make http
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Question by Nae-Nae: How to find a good cooking class for beginners?
I’m pretty young… 18 in fact. Im moving out on my own and would really like to know how to cook for myself. I know how to cook little things here or there but really nothing at all. I live in Salt Lake City and would like to know if anyone knows of any great cooking classes for beginners.
Best answer:
Answer by alicialions
Certainly you can look up cooking classes in your local area…try the university and see if they have anything or perhaps a recreation centre or community centre has something, but I find youtube is a great place to find how to cook anything and everything from private individuals in their own homes to famous professional chefs.Foo
Some of my favourite ones to watch on youtube are…
the original naked chef
one pot chef
Just type these in the search bar and the will come up.
Add your own answer in the comments!
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Try looking at adult education classes at local high schools, vocational schools, community colleges and similar in your area. You should also ask one or both of your parents, as well as possibly aunts or grandmothers, to show you how to cook.
I think the site will help you more or less in the cooking problem